The kind of cold that has worn all the bodies, as the thermometer does not rise to the zero degree during the day.
You can expect harder minuses to last longer, so we call everyone's attention, no man or any animal that is on the street. In the autumn many people started to feed the songbirds consciously, which is a task that requires consistency and responsibility, because it must be done until they get enough food from nature.
From the expert's point of view, the winter feeding of birds can be a residential initiative, that is, garden owners voluntarily undertake to feed the birds. They are trying to help birds that are in trouble because of the weather, during the feeding of nature conservation.
The birds of prey are also in trouble when the waters of the fish ponds are freezing, so meadow eagles are helped by offering them dead fish.
The Körös-Maros National Park also has land in which autumn rape is grown free of pesticides, and this plant serves the birds directly. In addition to the lands, there are also woody, busy areas that serve as a winter habitat for birds. With crop production, rodents also offer food that is good for predatory birds, so everyone can find food for themselves.
If one does not touch everything, then in nature they should play animals to survive. If you do not have enough food, you have to fly to a different place to find food.
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