The main means of communication for people is language. In addition to our mother tongue, we can learn other foreign languages in addition to our diligence and will, but we believe this to be a human ability not to think otherwise.
We know that in the animal world, the intelligence of some animal species is higher, making them easier to learn and even to use the device. Parrots and other birds, for example, are also excellent imitators. You knew that birds could learn the language of another race because they needed it for their own happiness and survival.
Just as one feels more comfortable when he understands the words spoken around him, even if they don't speak his native language and are not in his home country, it is for the benefit of the birds to understand what the other bird species living next to them is saying. It may be possible to recognize the imminent danger of another bird species in time.
Birds are therefore able to "learn a foreign language", to which some of their abilities have inherited, others have gained experience and gain some information from their peers.
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