Most people want peace and tranquility, but in some countries, the surroundings are loud noises.
In our country for a long time, the countryside hasn't been loud from a firearm, and this voice is only familiar to those who work in a tactical field.
The sound of the siren that sounds like an air strike and the sound of gunfire is not much more frightening. And even if this is a stranger, maybe you should make a sound like that.
Who knows what the inhabitants of the area believed when they heard the noise of a machine gun nearby. But when they found the source of the sound, they might have smiled.
Luckily, no sound came from the gun, only one hard-working woodpecker was trying to find out what could turn under the tile. Probably and hopefully he didn't get a response and found himself a tree where he could use his skill much better.
(Source: images: (Images are illustrations) | video: