Parrots are smart in the wildlife, but also among birds. The parrots of the mountains, the keaks, also confirm this fact.
New Zealand native parrots also need their minds when it comes to survival, but they also need to move their cerebral cortex.
The staff of the Szeged Wildlife Park can be justifiably proud that in their institution the keaks indicated their intention to breed, that the female laid eggs at the beginning of the year. The chicks were successfully hatched from the three eggs, but unfortunately one was too weak and soon died. However, the other two keafión are developing nicely and will soon be able to get to know the outdoor catwalk as well.
It is also a great pleasure that keaks have multiplied, because this is the first time in Hungary that it was done under artificial conditions, and the successful breeding also shows that mountain parrots are having a good time.
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