Parrots are smart birds, but it can’t just manifest itself in their sound imitation. What else?
It all started with a cockatoo opening the top of the trash can in front of the eyes of a researcher. He later showed the recording of this to other scientists who devoted more time to it.
Of course, the birds want to open the lids of the bins to get light food. All of this is accomplished by using only their hair and feet. First, they open the bin with their beak and bring it to not close on them, hold the lid with their legs or beak, and stand on the edge to push it back so as not to hinder them from bin.
All of this is a great adaptation to the human environment, but we are really shocked to learn that all this knowledge is passed on to each other. As a result, more and more junk-opening cockatoos can work around the trash cans.
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