Kiska's suffering is over, she endured it for 46 years

Capturing wild animals and keeping them in an artificial environment often leads to the death of the animal. Especially if you have to live alone.

There are species that live their lives alone and only visit the company of their peers during reproduction. Others, on the other hand, feel good in a group.

Killer whales, or orcas, also live in families, but a young animal was taken away from its family in 1979 off the coast of Iceland, and then found itself in the Niagara Falls Aquarium. Kiska lived here all her life.


He had company for a long time, so he was in a tolerable mental state, but in 2011 he was left alone. Since then, he was completely alone and his suffering became more and more obvious. Loneliness got to him so much that he literally showed symptoms of depression: he often just floated, and when he swam, he did so slowly and listlessly, often staring straight ahead.

Although it is an extraordinary animal that attracted visitors, this single-mindedness frightened many and animal protection organizations wanted it to be placed in a special place for orcas, since certain death would have awaited it in nature.

Unfortunately, the world's oldest captive and perhaps the saddest bottlenose dolphin died anyway.

For more interesting information, please visit our Facebook page!

(Source: | Images: Pixabay)


  • water ()
  • killer whale ()
  • orca ()

Instead of fruit, iguanas fall from trees
Would you take a good picture if an iguana fell from a tree onto your head or neck? They don't smile in Florida either.
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Winterization begins!

Winterization begins!

It's not too late to pay extra attention to your pet's outdoor living space.
  • dog (768)
  • doghouse ()
  • winter ()
You can prepare for feeding
The real autumn has arrived, which means that from now on you can help the birds in our garden.
  • bird (220)
  • feeding ()
  • autumn ()




My misconceptions about dog breeding
There is a strain on what kind of dog we are raising from our pet. However, some misconceptions should be clarified.
  • dog (768)
  • learning ()
  • teaching ()
There are storms and fireworks in sight
We may also be pleased with an approaching storm, waiting for refreshment in the canyon, and fireworks are also delighted, but dogs and cats may react differently.
  • dog (768)
  • cat (419)
  • behavior ()
  • storm ()
  • tűziáték ()
Two-legged alarm clock

Two-legged alarm clock

The farmhouse, village, small town gardens often hear the kakashang. What a difference between cock and cock sounds.
  • rooster ()
  • voice ()
  • crow ()
Language learning for bird mode
Not getting in the stranger is the essence of learning the language of birds, but recognizing the danger and reacting quickly to it.
  • bird (220)
  • learning ()
  • language ()


My misconceptions about dog breeding
There is a strain on what kind of dog we are raising from our pet. However, some misconceptions should be clarified.
  • dog (768)
  • learning ()
  • teaching ()
There are storms and fireworks in sight
We may also be pleased with an approaching storm, waiting for refreshment in the canyon, and fireworks are also delighted, but dogs and cats may react differently.
  • dog (768)
  • cat (419)
  • behavior ()
  • storm ()
  • tűziáték ()
Two-legged alarm clock

Two-legged alarm clock

The farmhouse, village, small town gardens often hear the kakashang. What a difference between cock and cock sounds.
  • rooster ()
  • voice ()
  • crow ()
Language learning for bird mode
Not getting in the stranger is the essence of learning the language of birds, but recognizing the danger and reacting quickly to it.
  • bird (220)
  • learning ()
  • language ()