Anyone who loves dogs (in fact, animals) can't be a bad person…
And anyone who loves dogs, whether they own or not, will surely smile when they get close to an eb, but even if they see one in a photo or video.
The sight of a puppy, but also a clown, playful adult eb, makes us smile. And that smile is a link, a bond between the dog and his owner. This is because our four-legged friends and companions perceive that this smile is both a sign and an expression of love on one's part. Alien animals also prefer faces with a sincere smile on their face.
Oxytocin is also called the hormone of happiness, which is also responsible for binding, and when we smile at a dog, the levels of this hormone in both of our bodies increase. That is, the more smiles the more hormone signal and deeper attachment.
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(Source: | Pictures: Pixabay)