Really pet friendly bank

We choose a bank on the basis that we provide the most appropriate services, whether it be credit or savings. The animal-friendly attitude has not been typical so far.


However, CIB Bank refuted this. A very large part of the Hungarian population shares their lives with some pet, and in most cases dogs, kittens are the animals they live with. Not only are these animals present in their lives, but most people think of dogs and cats as family members, so they give them everything.

However, many animals are taken to the streets, either voluntarily or outside, and lucky ones find themselves in shelters, leaving them with a chance to find a new home.

CIB Bank is trying to help with this. few know it, but CIB is a really dog-friendly bank. From the spring of this year, most clients will be able to enter their drawers with dogs, cats, of course, provided they adhere to the rules (leash, carrier, room cleanliness, well-treated, non-dangerous dog, etc.).

The CIB is so pet friendly that it tries to help four-legged people in the refuge find a two-legged companion with whom they can then live happily. Not only does the CIB Adoption Program read catchy descriptions of the puppies and kittens featured there, you can fall in love with one and get people closer to becoming puppies and kittens to become a puppy.

Look at the current " stock ".

For more information, please visit our Facebook page!

(Source:, | Images: (Images are illustrations)


  • bank ()
  • administration ()
  • dog fancier ()
  • CIB ()




My misconceptions about dog breeding
There is a strain on what kind of dog we are raising from our pet. However, some misconceptions should be clarified.
  • dog (768)
  • learning ()
  • teaching ()
There are storms and fireworks in sight
We may also be pleased with an approaching storm, waiting for refreshment in the canyon, and fireworks are also delighted, but dogs and cats may react differently.
  • dog (768)
  • cat (419)
  • behavior ()
  • storm ()
  • tűziáték ()
Two-legged alarm clock

Two-legged alarm clock

The farmhouse, village, small town gardens often hear the kakashang. What a difference between cock and cock sounds.
  • rooster ()
  • voice ()
  • crow ()
Language learning for bird mode
Not getting in the stranger is the essence of learning the language of birds, but recognizing the danger and reacting quickly to it.
  • bird (220)
  • learning ()
  • language ()


My misconceptions about dog breeding
There is a strain on what kind of dog we are raising from our pet. However, some misconceptions should be clarified.
  • dog (768)
  • learning ()
  • teaching ()
There are storms and fireworks in sight
We may also be pleased with an approaching storm, waiting for refreshment in the canyon, and fireworks are also delighted, but dogs and cats may react differently.
  • dog (768)
  • cat (419)
  • behavior ()
  • storm ()
  • tűziáték ()
Two-legged alarm clock

Two-legged alarm clock

The farmhouse, village, small town gardens often hear the kakashang. What a difference between cock and cock sounds.
  • rooster ()
  • voice ()
  • crow ()
Language learning for bird mode
Not getting in the stranger is the essence of learning the language of birds, but recognizing the danger and reacting quickly to it.
  • bird (220)
  • learning ()
  • language ()