Dogs are predators, meaning they need meat, but they also eat vegetables and fruits.
If dogs lived freely, far away from humans, the food captured by the wild would mean the most to them. When man hunted in the same way as the dog and the dogs were already associated with us, the prey killed by man was not distributed fairly, but only leftovers in front of the animals. That is, they had to adapt to changed circumstances during their life with man. Wild predators sometimes consume fruits and plants themselves, but if they also consume the internal organs of herbivores, they also eat plants in a figurative sense. Yet no owner thinks that he will not give his dog any meat afterwards.
The resemblance of the intestinal tract of dogs to that of the wolf has survived to this day, except that they already live in accordance with humans in their diet.
For some diseases, a vegetarian diet can be especially good and they already know that dogs have it without meat. The other issue is that the sprayed surface of vegetables and fruits in the dog's body causes galibata.
Because the owner is dieting, wanting to lose weight, or simply living a healthier life, it may not be what the dog needs. It is definitely worth discussing this with your veterinarian, as a meat-free diet can be beneficial for some diseases.
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